Thursday, 2 February 2012

Failing In Class

          Every student is a witness that sometimes we spend a lot of time in the library turning volumes of books, sacrifice our sleep to read the class notes, form discussion groups in order to handle the challenging class work, read thoroughly for continuous assessments and final exams, write the best essays all in the effort to attain good grades at the end of it all. Good grades are however not the results sometimes we get shocking marks and one cannot help thinking that the teacher was biased or just did not mark the paper correctly. Poor results are very disappointing, they kills a student’s morale. However just like all days are not Fridays sometimes we fail exams amid the effort put into it. Students are forced to sit for supplementary papers or re do the exams again.
            Every student should bear it in mind that there has been several students who have been through the same scenario but walked out to fit stronger. All a student needs to do is to find out how the fail or the poor marks will affect their final grade and do anything possible to counter the poor grades. Every student should believe in themselves and go for greater heights.
            By going back to the drawing board and try to spot where the mistake came in. It could be that they didn’t read the questions carefully or give the answers correctly. Probably their essays were not good enough to scoop the required marks. After identifying the problems they should do all I their potential to avoid failing again. Bother their professors with questions to make sure they get the subject content clearly, choose the group discussion members wisely and ensure that they benefit from them significantly. Failing is part of as student life but failing again is not allowed in academics.

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