Wednesday, 20 July 2011

How I missed my chances by ignoring Essay writers

Well I flunked, and it is painful!  I have to repeat the year and all because I never took the advice of my friends who told me how to get up to date by calling on essay writers to help me out of the hole I was in.

I don’t suppose my story is very unusual,  I am on an academic program but along with that I am on the school Baseball team as a pitcher.  I may never make the bigs but our team is doing very nicely in the league we are playing in.   The team work is very time consuming  as are the parties and the girls.  So plenty of gym work, plenty of jogging with the team and time in the nets, and then after games we often had celebration parties and social events and prize givings and so on.

Pretty soon Baseball was consuming most of my time.  This was during the season of course but nevertheless by the time I realized it I was way behind on my course work.  One of team mates was having similar time issues but seemed to at least not be delinquent in his essay submissions.  I asked him how he did it and he told me that he used some essay writers to do some of his assignments for him.

He explained that he knew he still had to study all the course work before the finals but he just couldn’t cope with getting all the written work in on time.  So he had called on a custom essay writing service to help him out.  The work was always of a high standard and specially written for him.

But I was too late,  I was already on delinquency lists and there was no getting out of it.  But next year I will certainly use the Essay writers to ensure I can get to at least write the exams.

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